
How to Develop the Best Internet Security

How to Develop the Best Internet Security

With every passing day, there is a news of data breach. The entire society has to suffer when schools, factories, websites, and even government agencies go through a data breach. There’s nothing you can do once your data has been breached. However, you can certainly take measures to protect your devices, prevent these breaches, devices, and privacy.

If we follow certain measures for ensuring the security of our devices, online identity, and activities, it doesn’t take much effort.

What is internet security?

Internet security is a term used to describe the security of activities and transactions that are made over the Internet. It is a very vast term that includes everything from the larger ideas of cybersecurity and computer security. It deals with topics such as browser security, online behaviour, and network security. In this age of technological advancements, we spend a large proportion of our lives online.

Following are some of the internet security threats we can encounter:

  • Hacking: Here unauthorized users gain access to computer systems, email accounts, or websites.
  • Viruses or malicious software: This can damage data or make systems vulnerable to other threats.
  • Identity thefts: Here criminals can steal personal and financial information.

All these kinds of threats over the internet can be protected by individuals and organizations by practicing internet security.

Let’s Understand the most common internet security threats?

The first step towards internet security is to be aware from different types of internet attacks.

Common internet security threats include:


Phishing refers to a cyber-attack in which disguised emails are involved. In Phishing, hackers try to trick email recipients to believe that a message is genuine and relevant. It may be in the form of a request from their bank or a note from a co-worker. The email instigates the internet user to click on a link or open an attachment. The goal is to deceive people into handing over their personal information to the attacker or downloading malware.

Phishing is considered one of the oldest internet security threats. It dates back to the 1990s. The reason why it is still so popular is that it is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to steal information from users. One thing that has changed over the course of years is the techniques of phishing. Today, the attacks are conducted in a quite sophisticated manner.


To steal confidential information and data, hackers are always looking to exploit a private network. Remote access technology gives them targets to exploit. The software in remote access allows users to access and control a computer remotely. After the pandemic, as more people are working remotely, its usage has increased.

Remote Desktop Protocol, or RDP refers to the protocol that allows users to control a computer connected to the internet remotely. Because RDP is used in businesses of all sizes so widely, the chances of an improperly secured network are relatively high. Until hackers have full access to a network and its devices, they use different techniques to exploit RDP vulnerabilities. The possibilities are that they may carry out data theft themselves or sell the credentials on the dark web.


The next threat for internet users is Ransomware. It is a type of malware in which the user is not able to use the computer or access specific files on the system unless a ransom is paid. Often, it is distributed as a trojan – which means, a malware disguised as legitimate software. As soon as you install the software, it locks the screen of your system or certain files until you pay the ransom.

To hide their identity, operators of ransomware typically demand payment in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. The prices of a ransom vary depending on the ransomware variant and the price or exchange rate of digital currencies in the market. And the worst part is that it isn’t always certain that if you pay, the criminals will release the encrypted files.

As the new ransomware variants continue to emerge, the attacks are on the rise. Some of the most popular ransomware variants include Maze, WannaCry, Conti, GoldenEye, Bad Rabbit, Jigsaw, and Locky.

Wi-Fi threats, both in public & at home

Public Wi-Fi carries a lot of risk. This is because the security on these networks, such as – in coffee shops, shopping malls, airports, hotels, restaurants, etc, – is often non-existent. This means that due to the lack of security cybercriminals and identity thieves can monitor what you are doing online. And it becomes easier for them to steal your passwords and personal information.

Other dangers of a public Wi-Fi are as follows:

  • Man-in-the-middle-attacks – While executing these attacks, attackers compromise a Wi-Fi hotspot to insert themselves into communications between the victim and the hotspot. In this way, they intercept and modify data in transit.
  • Rogue Wi-Fi networks – Here attackers set up a honeypot in the form of free Wi-Fi and get the valuable data. Because of this the attacker’s hotspot becomes the channel for all data that is exchanged over the network.
  • Packet sniffing – attackers monitor and stops unencrypted data because the data is travelling across an unprotected network.

Ways to protect your data online

Once you are aware of all the threats, the next thing you must be wondering is how to ensure internet protection. Let’s move forward and discuss how to protect your data online.

Sensible internet security tips you can follow include:

Create strong passwords, and use a secure password manager

It is very important in the world of internet to ensure a strong password. A strong password will help you maintain a good internet security. A strong password has the following characteristics:

  • The password should be long. It should be made up of at least 12 characters and ideally more.
  • There should be a mix of characters. That is, upper- and lower-case letters plus symbols and numbers.
  • Avoid the obvious like using sequential numbers or personal information. It can be guessed by the someone who knows you, such as your date of birth or a pet’s name.
  • Avoids memorable keyboard paths.

Those days are gone when it was obvious to substitute lookalike characters for letters or numbers – such as, “P@ssw0rd” for “password”. Today, hackers are too wise. Therefore, as a smart move the more complex and involved your password, the harder it will be to crack for the attackers. Using a password manager will be quite helpful to generate, store, and manage all your passwords in one secure online account.

Make sure you keep your passwords private. Avoid sharing them with others. Don’t use the same password for all your accounts and remember to change them on a regular basis.

Enable multifactor authentication whenever possible

Multifactor authentication (MFA) refers to the authentication method in which the user is asked to provide two or more verification methods while accessing the online account. Let’s understand with an example –

Multifactor authentication instead of simply asking for a username or password, goes further and request additional information while accessing the account. The additional information includes:

  • An extra one-time password that is sent to the user’s phone or email address by the website’s authentication servers.
  • Demands answers to personal security questions.
  • A fingerprint or other biometric information, which can include voice or face recognition.

With multifactor authentication the likelihood of a successful cyber-attack can be successfully decreased. It is an amazing idea to implement multifactor authentication where possible to enhance security. To help with internet security, you can also consider using a third-party authenticator app, such as Google Authenticator.

Ensure using a firewall

A firewall is important as it acts as a barrier between your computer and another network, for example the internet. Firewalls can easily block unwanted traffic and also block malicious software from infecting your computer. Most of the times, your operating and security system come with a pre-installed firewall. To maximize your internet security, it is a good idea to make sure those features are turned on.

Choose your browser carefully

Another important measure that you can take to ensure internet security is to choose your browser carefully. Remember that the browsers are our primary gateway to the web. Therefore, they play a key role in internet security. A good web browser is the one that is secure and help to protect you from data breaches.

Partner Up with a Cybersecurity Provider

As per the study the Ponemon Institute, the average cost of a data breach to a US company is around USD 7.91 million. Today, the organizations understand the significance of protecting their systems, networks, and data, However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to counter the attacks without professional help. In this case, an expert cybersecurity provider like Cyber Cops can relieve the burden by helping you prevent, detect, and respond to evolving threats.

When you collaborate with a cybersecurity provider, it helps your organization foster a safe and secure working environment and ensure business continuity. This in turn promotes business growth in the long run.

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