Cyber Cops

IT Infrastructure Audit

About Cyber Security

IT Infrastructure Audit

An Infrastructure Audit is a process of evaluation that allows you to identify pieces of underutilized data center equipment, further helping you decide what can be repurposed or retired, depending on the needs of your organization. IT infrastructure audit helps you save money as well by helping you identify if any of your equipment has an overlapping or expired maintenance contract.

System and Appliances

This category of audit verifies that all the different systems and applications you are using are highly-efficient. It also ensures that your system is working in a reliable, valid, and secure manner.

 IT Infrastructure Audit
Why Choose Us?

To be specific, an audit evaluates:

Data Security


Data Security

A review of encryption use, data security during transmission and storage, and network access control
Network Security


Network Security

A review of network and security control, SOC, anti-virus configurations, security monitoring capabilities
System Security


System Security

A review of patching and hardening processes, management of privileged accounts, role-based access, etc.
Physical Security


Physical Security

A review of role-based access control, multi-factor authentication, biometric data, disk encryption, etc.
Operational Security


Operational Security

A review of policies, procedures, and security control

Different Categories of IT Audits

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